Red Cross file photos
How can Family Members Stay in Touch During an Evacuation?
  • The American Red Cross recommends that families designate an individual outside the potentially affected area to serve as a family point of contact.
  • This person should have all family emergency phone numbers and contacts at all times.

  • If family members are evacuated, the Red Cross recommends that they stay in contact with the designated individual.  Perhaps set up a specific time to try and reach that contact.

  • If contact is lost with an immediate family member in an affected area who may have been evacuated, the family should contact its local American Red Cross chapter and request the chapter begin a disaster welfare inquiry.

Family Disaster Plan
     1.  Talk - Talk with your family about the disasters that could happen in Connecticut.
     2.  Train - Train all family members on where to meet after a disaster.  Pick two places to meet:
  • Right outside your home - in case of a sudden emergency, like a house fire.
  • Outside your neighborhood - in case you can't return home or are asked to evacuate your neighborhood.

Also train each capable family member on how to turn off your utilities and use a fire extinguisher.

     3.  Take Stock - Take stock of supplies you may already have on hand that would be helpful in a disaster.  Involve the entire family in collecting food, water and emergency tools.
     4.  Tell - Tell everyone in your household where emergency contact information is kept.  Complete the information on an Emergency Contact Card and make copies for each member of your family to carry with them.  Be sure to include an out-of-state contact on your card.  You may be able to reach someone out of state when local phone lines are out of service or overloaded.
    5.  Test - Test your readiness at least once a year.  Commit a day or weekend to update phone numbers, hold a family fire drill and check supplies.
Shelter in Place
If you are advised by local officials to "shelter in Place", what they mean is for you to remain inside your home or office and protect yourself there.
  • Close and lock all windows and exterior doors.
  • Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems. 
  • Close the fireplace damper.
  • Get your disaster supplies kit, and make sure the radio is working.
  • Go to an interior room without windows that's above ground level.
  • In the case of a chemical threat, an above-ground location is preferable because some chemicals are heavier than air, and may seep into basements even if the windows are closed.  Using duct tape, seal all cracks around the door and any vents into the room.
Keep listening to your radio or television until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate.  Local officials may call for evacuation in specific areas at greatest risk in your community.

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